King - size mattresses for spacious master bedroomsDream On Me 3-inch Foam Playard Mattress - Green Cloud
When using this mattress, please make sure it fits tightly in play yard without any gaps between mattress and side walls of the play yard. Never use this mattress on the top level of Play yard in its bassinet position. Keep all foreign objects out of the play yard including Pillows, Quilts, Comforters, and cushions or any other subject that is not intended to use inside a play yard.
Dimensions: 37.5 inches long x 25.5 inches wide x 3 inches high
Dream On Me recommends this mattress to be used with the below listed:
Play Yards Cosco Funsport Deluxe Playard #PY384
Chicco Lullaby LX Playard #06079059500070
Baby Trend Nursery Center Playard #PY81400
Graco Pack 'n Play Playard with Automatic Folding Feet #1801373